
Changes happen in life all the time. Sometimes we expect them, or they are gradual, sometimes they happen when we least expect them and sometimes they occur because we make a choice to make a change.

Change is synonymous with the Buddhist idea of non-permanence. That is, nothing stays the same - even if we do nothing things will change over time. Change is something that happens to us all.

Changes are often feared because of the unknown. However, change often leads to growth. One cannot occur without the other. We cannot stagnate and grow at the same time and it is growth that allows us to embrace life and be more.

So if something is a problem, or there is a difficulty with a change, it suggests that there is some growth to take place in that area.

The outcome might simply be a change in perception or a rise in understanding about an element of life. Yet we don’t always know the outcome until some time has passed (see the story of the boy and the horse).


Thank you, life

